Tracing pharmacy’s impact on healthcare

Shinjini Saha, INN/Gwalior, @Infodeaofficial

Pharmacy and healthcare are segments who share an inseperable relationship. In the history of mankind, social development has always been closely interlinked with healthcare achievements. Therefore pharmacy education and practice has a significant impact on the health improvements of a nation. 

Pharmacists work in the community, in hospitals, and in other medical facilities as members of the health care team and have special responsibilities for the safe use of medicines. Few years ago, there were no restrictions on the practice of pharmacy in India. The practice of prescribing and dispencing was an integral unit performed by doctors.

The genesis of community pharmacy practice in India can be traced back to British India when allopathic drugs were introduced and were made available through drug stores towards the end of the nineteenth century.

The pharmacy practice concept was realized with the dawn of independence in 1947. The pharmacy Act 1948, was the first landmark, which came into existence in response to recommendations of Drugs Enquiry committee constituted in 1930, and report of Health Survery and Development Committee, 1943. The education regulations framed in 1953, under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

The community (retail) pharmacy sector is the prime source of medicines for both ambulatory and hospitalized patients. In India, consumers expectations from community pharmacists are that the medication should be effective, safe and affordable.

Other expectations from Indian pharmacists would be to dispense the drugs according to the rules with proper advice on how and when the medicines should be taken, and what to do in the case of adverse drug reactions as well as the provision of advice on common ailments. In nutshell, India faces massive challenges in providing health care for its vast and growing population.

Despite many barriers, community pharmacy services are central to the safe and effective medicines management in advancing health. With rapidly occurring changes in the health care delivery and growing patient expectations, it is hoped that community pharmacy practice will change accordingly.

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