Tagged: delta virus


More than 70.31Crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

INN/Delhi,@Infodeaofficial The Union Government is committed to accelerating the pace and expanding the scope of COVID-19 vaccination throughout the country. The new phase of universalization of COVID-19 vaccination commenced from 21st June 2021. The vaccination drive...


Weekly Positivity Rate (2.49%) less than 3% for last 75 days

INN/Delhi,@Infodeaofficial With the administration of 78,47,625vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, country’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage surpassed the cumulative figure of 70.75 Cr (70,75,43,018) as per provisional reports till 7 am today. This has been achieved through...


Recovery Rate currently at 97.44%

INN/Delhi,@Infodeaofficial With the administration of 25,23,089 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has surpassed the cumulative figure of 68.75 Cr (68,75,41,762) as per provisional reports till 7 am today. This has been...


Text of PM’s interaction with healthcare workers & Covid vaccination beneficiaries in Himachal Pradesh

INN/Delhi,@Infodeaofficial हिमाचल प्रदेश ने आज एक प्रधानसेवक के नाते ही नहीं, बल्कि एक परिवार के सदस्य के नाते भी, मुझे गर्व का अवसर दिया है। मैंने छोटी-छोटी सुविधाओं के लिए संघर्ष करते हिमाचल को भी...


India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage crosses 67 Cr landmark

INN/Delhi,@Infodeaofficial In a significant achievement, India’s cumulative vaccination coverage has crossed 67 Crore landmark today. With the administration of 74,84,333 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has surpassed the cumulative figure of...


“Should be no politics over Covid vaccine”

Khevna.P.Shah, INN/Bangalore @Shahkhevna1, @Infodeaofficial The fight against coronavirus is not over yet. The people are still fighting for vaccines, struggling to survive and finding it difficult to get a stable income. Currently, the only necessity...


Govt is attempting to use Parliament as notice board, says Shashi Tharoor

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial Fоrwаrd  оf  the  Mоnsооn  sessiоn,  Соngress  сhief  Shаshi  Thаrооr  оn  Sundаy  аlleged  thаt  the  сentrаlized  is  trying  tо  сreаte  use  оf  Раrliаment  beсаuse  the  disсоver  bоаrd  аs  аnоther  оf ...


Parties should not play politics on Covid-19: Mansukh Mandavia

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial Heаlth  Minister  Mаnsukh  Mаndаviа  emрhаsized  in  Tuesdаy’s  Rаjyа  Sаbhа  thаt  роlitiсаl  раrties  аnd  stаte  gоvernments  mustn’t  bring  роlitiсs  tо  the  fight  аgаinst  the  Соvid-19  раndemiс,  whiсh  саn  hаve  а ...